Ida Ravn: “Følelsen af at være skruk kom samtidig med mødet med min kæreste”

Ida Ravn: "The feeling of being shy came at the same time as meeting my boyfriend"

The feeling of being a jerk arises when Ida Ravn meets her boyfriend Alexander Malone, from the band Scarlett Pleasure, four years ago. When the couple decide that it must be now, Ida becomes pregnant on the first try. Here she tells how she has at times blamed her pregnant body and how the pregnancy has given life to thoughts about her upbringing and setting boundaries

How did you find out you were pregnant?

“It is a summer evening that stands out very clearly in my memory. We had only tried actively for one cycle. It was in July, and we had traveled both in Denmark and in Italy and talked a lot about the fact that it could actually happen in that month. But we also always had in the back of our minds that it could take up to a year. Still, I took a test the day I expected my period. I had a feeling that it had already succeeded. I bought three tests on the way home from work and took them as soon as I walked in the door, even though my boyfriend was out for a run. All tests were positive. It was a wild moment and I was running around in circles. It felt like hours before he got home, even though it was only a few minutes.

On his run, he had run past a playground and had watched the children and parents, and he had had a clear feeling that it would soon be him. It was quite surreal and pure joy.